Moora and Adam moved out from Laci's place since Adam and Laci just couldn't get along. They got a really nice Chicago Bungalo. Adam loves his old mascot uniform but the school's been calling to have him return it.

They brought their pet bird, Sandy, with them from Laci's place. This is half of the living room.

This is the other half of the living room. There are 2 seating areas, one in front of the TV, and the other next to the birdcage. On the other side of the bird cage is a little reading area. Moora loves green.

Their bedroom is also green. They later had a jute carpet installed in a neutral tan color.

You can see the carpet here as they prepare for their first child. They wasted no time in trying since Adam wants to have 6 grandkids and live long enough to enjoy them. Moora, a simpler person, simply wants to celebrate her golden anniversary with Adam.

The kitchen has plenty of room to be eat-in and they've already bought a high chair.

There was a spare room, so Adam decided it would be fun to have a dance sphere like they had in college and a chess table. They were also given a piano by Adam's parents who moved to a condo and didn't have room for it any longer. They stated they want their grandkids playing piano and don't want it going to waste. Adam was delighted to have room for the piano in his place.

The whole reason for buying this house was the amazing yard room and the downstairs being a full pool. Adam may want his kids playing piano, but Moora wants waterbabies. Unfortunately, the zoning department made them fill in the area as it wasn't structurally safe to have that much water in the house. Moora was very disappointed. [The pool wasn't accessible. Don't know why.]

The only piece of furniture Adam brought was his desk and computer. Moora absolutely hates it because its so heavy and black and goes with nothing in the house which is all brown and green and pale. She relegated his desk to the entryway room which is the smallest space in the house.

Here's a brief layout. Large living room, entryway room to the right. Following down the right is the leisure room and kitchen. First room on the left is the master bedroom, two bathrooms and a hallway, and the large empty room is for the children, as yet unborn.

The only significant note was the master bathroom being redone to include a bathtub. I wasn't thinking that toddlers need baths. If anyone has a good object for bathing toddlers without a tub, let me know. I do have an outdoor tub from MTS2 for the dog, but it is not available for anyone else.

They even added a little greenhouse and some fruit trees in the rear of the property.

Both Moora and Adam had a want to adopt a pet. Although they had a bird, they also wanted more to look after. I advised against it, but they don't listen. They took in this little puppy, Sunny.

Pretty soon, Moora was showing.

Before she delivered, Sunny grew up into...this...strange animal.

The dog may look weird, but Moora's no prize herself.

Baby Michael keeps them busy. Adam, finally realizing he needs to grow up, ditches the mascot attire.

Michael gets all his needs met easily with two family sims as parents.

I decorated part of the kids' room in the back of the house. I sectioned off a toddler area.

Moora! What are you eating? Don't you know what will happen if you eat that? Moora! No! Who left that in the fridge? Dang it, Adam.

With Moora being laden with a baby in utero and caring for a toddler and Adam working his regular teaching job plus supervising the after school program, Sandy the bird died of neglect. I felt horrible about it.

They say music soothes the savage beast, but only a bubble bath soothes the pregnant beast.

Madelyn drops by. They used to be enemies and when Moora first moved in, Madelyn used to steal her newspaper and repeatedly kick over the trash - despite puppy Sunny barking at her. I mean, really, her own sister? Now they're pals again.
"Gosh, Moora, you're big as a cow! Mooooo! Hehehehe."

"Madelyn, when are you going to grow up? You're still living with mom and dad and you barely have a job. Throwing parties is not a real job."
"I'll leave the growing up to you, thank you very much. I'm having a ball! Oh, and I'm throwing a ball next weekend. I'd invite you, but its strictly formal and I can't imagine how you'd hide that belly. Plus you'd be a total bore since you don't drink."

Moora influenced Madelyn to do some gardening while she took a nap. Madelyn, while watering the flowers [let me repeat that...while watering the flowers] somehow set the flowerbed on fire. Huh?!? Adam was pruning the fruit trees and put the fire out. Sheesh, that girl.

Michael grew up and was excited to have...uh...hands...I guess. I added some beds to the kids' room in the back of the house. I'm thinking of how to redecorate the basement once all that water is removed.

Even pregnant, mom's work is never done.

Moora has twin girls, Andrea and Samantha.

Samantha has dark skin, Andrea is lighter.

With all the commotion of collicky babies in the house, especially Andrea, everyone looks for an escape when there's a free moment.

Hey, Michael, who's your friend? "Cousin Lakshimi. She's Uncle Leo's adopted daughter." Right.

And who's this? Another cousin? "Pffhh, no! Just cause mom has 9 sibs doesn't mean the whole town's related. This is Perth Aha."

Michael tries to escape the noise of the babies. Like the new pond?

"Can't wait until you're toddling and not fussing all the time."

But fuss they do. Sunny is irritated by all the noise.

He unwinds in his own way by eating up a shoe. [Its CC]

Having planned a mountain vacation [Adam's want] before Moora was pregnant, they take their trip for two.

Look at those rates! Ridiculous. :p

Nanny Allison - who I am convinced drinks Elixir of Life brand senior citizen enhancing juices - comes to watch the kids.

We now bounce to their long weekend of vacation - just 3 days. Since they never had a proper honeymoon, this is it for them. Upon checking in to the free campsites, they, ahem, get the tent a workout. And, um, are now expecting again. Pregnancy works strangely on vacation. Your needs still flag low, but the time doesn't count. She never showed. But she sure acted pregnant. I recommend not trying this at home unless you want to spend most of your time in the bathrooms and having to rush back to sleep. Of course, sleeping on the floor isn't the most comfortable either.

The found a map and followed it, but both had a fear of seeing bigfoot so I snapped a photo and tucked it away. They left that lot immediately.

After a tour, "Adam, I can't believe you brought that old moth-eaten mascot uniform. What's with that?" "If its any consolation, its really itchy."

"No, I'm itchy too. I think that may have been poison ivy we were sitting in." [For some reason, every time we changed lots, Adam reverted to his mascot uniform from college.]

Michael joined a fishing tournament, but that little kid beat him squarely.

Each of them had and learned a massage.

And had a steam in the sauna.

Here's something you don't see often, Moora looking sexy in her bathing suit, sans baby belly.

They log rolled and Moora lost.

Then there was this weird dance they learned. Fun but strange.

By the last day, all Moora wanted was to go home and interact with her kids. You'd think 3 days isn't long, but it is to a family sim. Upon their return, the shuttle van caught fire. I have no idea why this happened. The temperatures of the sims were normal, but the van was aflame.

Adam was pretty sure they shouldn't have drank the water because the house across the street was melting. He figured he'd go inside and take a shower, settle his mind. Moora tried to extinguish the van, which drove away, somehow fine, leaving fire in its wake.

Then Moora was engulfed in the flames, just like that. Adam begged for her life and bested the Grim Reaper at a game of chance. Moora was returned to him. However, she knew she'd been pregnant and hadn't mentioned it yet. She didn't want Adam being overprotective and not allowing her to log roll and such. It seemed to take months before her pregnancy resumed. During that time, she thought she'd lost the baby when death nearly stole her, but all of her needs still flagged like she was pregnant.

Andrea grows to a toddler. Daddy's nose and eyes with mommy's red hair. Why can't they get the Fanboy eyes?

Samantha grows to a toddler. Daddy's eyes and nose and brown hair.

Who is wrapped around whose finger? The toddler room gets a little shuffle.

Sunny gets a job assisting the handicapped. He spends afternoons at a neighborhood man's house who has trouble walking and he jumps to turn lights on and off, fetch drinks, that sort of thing, and just be good company. Michael teaches him things to help him and the man work together.

The day Moora planned to tell Adam that she had been pregnant before she died and came back, but isn't anymore and she'd like to try again, she shows. All at once, and in a big way. By now she's gained rather a lot of weight also.

She feels bad about letting her health go and gaining so much weight so she works on that part of the problem, resting enough and not straining herself too much.

Meanwhile Michael practice piano - and actually likes it. Thanks Adam's parents!

I try to convince Moora that its not a good idea to be on the electro-dance sphere (electro is right in the name!) big as she is, but she says when you've cheated death as she has, you have to go for things in life and enjoy.

[sings] On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: two toddlers toddling and Miss Allison Nan~ny.

Moora feels those familiar stirrings and calls her doula over to check her out. Her doula agrees that the baby will be coming soon. Moora says "Babies, plural, right? I'm big as a house!" "No, just one, that's all I hear." Moora wonders if there was a twin that is no longer alive and how that will effect the other. Surely she can't just be this big, now that she's a normal weight again.

The next night while working her her garden [silver badge], Moora yells for Michael to call the doula. He does and she arrives quickly to help Moora deliver, clean up, and fix a nice meal for the family so Moora can rest. Moora had just one baby, as her doula stated, a boy named Roger. There had been no twin, she was just unusually large this time. Moora believes this will be her last child, the circumstances around this one being so strange with her dying and coming back and the suspended pregnancy. Besides, 4 children is a plenty big family.

Sidenote: Cass and I came up with the idea of coding a doula who you would call as a service, like the nanny, only she could only "come over now" and the doula would be there for the delivery, raising some of the needs, taking care of the child for the next 12 hours or so while the mother rested, and fixing a meal for the family, maybe doing some cleaning like nannys do. If I knew a thing about coding, I'd do it, but I don't. If you do and make this, please give Fairiefire823 and Cassblonde credit for the idea and let me know where to find it for download. :)