When we last checked in on Gordon & Cass' house, we learned that Gordon had an additional set of alien babies, making 3 alien babies total. The family needed the secret to stay secret, and with two sets of human twins in the house, it was very difficult. Plus, Cory already knew. He was mature, but Cass couldn't be sure Cory would keep his lip buttoned. Gordon and Cass made the hard decision to take all the kids out of the military-based school they attended on the campus of Gordon's base and move them to private boarding schools.
While away at school, Cory made a new pal and told him about the alien baby (he only knew of the one, Yingwe). Of course, the friend thought Cory was making up stories or was crazy. They stopped being friends after that. But Cory felt he had to tell someone.

Josh, ever the skeptic, threatened slightly older brother Cory with bodily harm should he keep up "that crazy talk". Josh reminded Cory he was ruining his chances to meet pretty girls by seeming creepy - and since these things run in families, was ruining Josh's chances to meet pretty girls too, so he'd better keep silent. Animosity grew between the twins.

At a different school, based on their age, Giselle and Miranda were doing poorly. They had different classes, and it was the first time they'd been away from home or away from each other except to use the bathroom. They didn't even share a bedroom anymore, being in separate dorms.

Back at home, Cass was swamped in the usual number of childcare responsibilities. Having three babies doesn't sound like much more than having two, but it felt a world different. Possibly because she'd never truly bonded to these strange children like she had her own. She knew at any moment, the government could come and take them all away. It made the wall she'd built between her and the alien children necessary. And what might happen to her and Gordon if they were found out? And how long could they really keep this secret? It was heavy on Cass' mind. That and the fact that she missed her kids dearly and wept for them hourly.

Gordon helped out. He had to wear a special maternity bra under his uniform as he was leaking during the day when his body knew he should be feeding his babies. He couldn't just go in the bathroom at work and express milk, though, could he? The secrets drove a wedge between Gordon and Cass and kept getting deeper with each resentment.

Things seemed almost normal for Gordon. He got to leave the house. Cass couldn't. He got to go to work everyday and talk with his peers. Cass couldn't. He got to leave the stress behind and go be normal for at least 8 hours, lately it was closer to 11 hours most days. Cass couldn't escape her life, the life Gordon had thrust upon her, the life she'd agreed to when the married just after college.

Cass had all the drudgery of house cleaning and child rearing and no release. But she couldn't complain to Gordon. He was keeping a secret that could land him in prison based on his level of Intel at work.

The alien babies were much more needy than human children. They had to be fed nearly every hour. They had to be changed just as often. They cried and since no neighbors could be allowed to know they had small children in the house, Cass had to do everything in her power to keep them silent. It was exhausting and at some point, she simply couldn't take it anymore. You never know how much you can handle until you get to the breaking point.

That point came when she got the call that her girls were failing out of school and an investigation had found Cory unstable. The schools didn't think her kids were going to be able to stay there and an investigation was scheduled to be carried out on Cass and Gordon. Cass knew that would mean disaster. But what was the alternative? She hadn't the sleep or nutrition to be healthy or make sound decisions anymore. She was wasting away under the strain of this secret life.

Meanwhile, Gordon's superior was watching him closely. She decided to drive him home that day, not unusual, but this time she stated she would come in for something cool to drink. Gordon said Cass was ill and couldn't have company. When his superior pressed him for details on the illness, Gordon stammered. His superior barged in and heard one of the alien children whimpering.
"Just as we've suspected, Gordon. I have to commend you on keeping the secret this long - though our spies knew there was more amiss than you let on to. We'll be confiscating the children."
Gordon knew this day might come. He raised his weapon and pointed at his superior. "And what of my wife and I?"
"You need to put the gun down, Gordon. You two will be dealt with through the appropriate protocol. After all, you don't think you're the only one we've had abducted for this experiment do you?"
Gordon, hands shaking, fired the weapon and killed his superior. Then he turned it on himself, knowing the life he'd lead as part of the experiment was to be worse than death.

Cass, upstairs, heard the door. She tried to silence the baby as quickly as she could. Then she heard the two shots. It was as she knew deep down would happen one day. She couldn't possibly come with any more. Cass went downstairs, saw what she knew she'd see, and in a daze, killed herself next to Gordon's now-lifeless body.

The girls, Miranda and Giselle, were told that their parents had "gone crazy" and died in a murder-suicide pact. They were sent to a foster home that was run by the government agency Gordon had worked for, to keep an eye on them and make sure they said and knew nothing about the alien babies. They didn't. Cass never saw them grow up.

Toffee, the cat, was placed in the foster home with them. In the pound he just yowled and they were eager to get rid of him.

The babies, and the bodies, were whisked away by the government agency that had been watching them for years. There was never a mention of it. The only thing the newspaper reported was that Gordon and Cass Fanboy had died in a murder-suicide pact and were survived by their two children: Giselle, and Miranda. What of Cory and Josh? They were expelled from school and returned home by cab to find the grisly scene of the three deaths in the living room. The government agency, having monitored the phone calls and knowing Cory knew more than he should, killed the two boys on the spot. There was no mention of them at all in the papers. Everyone assumed they'd gone to live with relatives, or backpack across the world, or whatever unstable teenagers do.

At age 18, Miranda and Giselle, having no mention of aliens, were given the family house. After a thorough cleaning, Giselle and Miranda, having chosen pleasure as their life's ambition, decided the house was big enough for a family. Giselle tried to change her ambition to just that. But something went terribly wrong. With all the bad memories in the house, something short circuited when she was supposed to be concentrating on wanting to have a family instead of what had happened to her family. She ended up wanting nothing more than grilled cheese sandwiches.
[Note: I set her to family, but when she changed lots, it messed up. I didn't realize her aspiration was so low when I used the device. Ah well.]

Still wanting a family - and a sandwich! - Giselle romanced the first guy who came over, Lord Overlord. Kind of a strange guy, and no chemistry, but still.

He likes sandwiches, and booty. And that's about all it took.

He even wrote her a piece on the piano. Grilled Cheese in A Minor. And yes, you play it with two fingers. Because the others are coated in the sticky melty cheese of love.

Miranda thought it felt weird being back home after all these years, but Giselle knew it was for the best.
"Um, free house, furnished, paid for. And you don't have to work. Leaves you free for all those dates you have planned."
She does have a point.

Soon enough, Giselle was showing all the signs of pregnancy. Since she's a twin and her brothers are twins, Giselle wonders if she'll have multiples.
[I did not cheesecake her. I don't know what she'll have.]

Miranda, needing something to do all day to keep her mind busy, takes to revamping Cass' old garden, now overgrown with weeds and bugs.

[These ashes won't sweep up. I think its kind of bittersweet.]

The story ends here, but I just wanted to show the dog-walking walk-bys. This was within about 2 minutes of play: Perth walked Pandarus past the house then Scarlet walked Rudy by.

The Soap Opera of the year award goes to........FF for her drama packed "Aha Family in Cassada" *chuckles to self* boy-o who knew sims could get so stressed. Nice twist to the story, hope the girls at least end up with a somewhat balanced life.
Excellent! I loved it, even if you made my SimSelf off herself :)
Cass :)
Yeah, sorry about that, Cass. Once you read Ryder's part, you'll see.
I guess I now know what happens to this family. Yikes! What a way to end. I can't believe you offed Cass!
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