As we go along, I'll be introducing various psychological concepts. I started in chapter 4 of Aha with EMDR. All of these concepts are absolutely true. If you find them interesting, please message me for more information or ask the Great Wizard Google. I hope to both entertain and educate you on a subject I find fascinating, human psychology.
We return now to Hiaku House where brothers Ryder and Alessandro live. Recall that Ryder is a world traveler who cherishes his possessions and seeks adventure. He is rarely home but enjoys having a beautifully furnished home base where he can throw lavish parties and show off his stuff. Ryder enjoys the life of a bachelor.
Alessandro, on the other hand, is quite the social butterfly and is pursuing his dream of becoming a professional street luge racer. He does not entertain at home often, but goes to a lot of sporting events and holds down the luxurious "fort" while Ryder is away on his travels. Alessandro, in the last installment met and developed a little crush on a woman named Andrea. Andrea is his sister-in-law Robin's friend from Lamaze classes as they are both due soon. Andrea, Ryder says, has a striking resemblance to their father's long-time friend Amy Aha, who died in childbirth some time ago.
Haiku house underwent some minor renovation. Apparently this piece of custom lot was built before Seasons and the roofs were merely decorative, but did not provide adequate shelter from the elements. The roofs and parts of wall have since been upgraded to accommodate Seasons as wearing a sweater inside is so passe.

"I put her in the den for now. Its just for a week, less than a week, just while her place is fumigated. She has to let it air fully as the sprays are toxic and she's obviously pregnant. Don't worry about your stuff. She doesn't putter around with your things and she's sleeping on the little couch in the den."

"Would you have me throw her in the street then?"
"No, of course not. She can stay, but don't pull a stunt like this again. You know you can get me on my Blackberry anyhow. I'd get back to you if I didn't get the message right away. Ask first. We're equal in this house. Okay?"
"Fair. Sorry."

"Andrea! My brother's home. Plus, its really our bed - his and mine, I mean. He'd kill me."
[Alright, that was a bit of an adult joke, but if you got it, blame my Evil Monkey.]

"Hi, Dad, it's Ryder. ...Well I don't expect you to recognize all our voices. ...Listen, Dad, you remember Amy Aha? ...Yeah, of course. I'm sorry. Dad, how did Amy die? ...Giving birth to her fourth child. Did the child live? ...Yeah? A boy. Good. Say, how is Mestral these days? ...Dead? Wow! I mean, I'm sorry to hear that. Wow. Sheesh. So what of the kids? ...No kidding? That's incredible, so Perth is mute now and Sydney's off at college. Crazy. And the boys never came back to them? ...Yeah, that is sad. Anyone know what happened to them? ...No, huh. Darn. Okay. Say, Dad, have you met Robin's friend Andrea? ...No. Okay, nevermind. ...Oh, Dad, um, did Amy have a sister? ...I don't know. I had a dream about her and I just wondered. No reason really. But did she? ...Only child, right. Yeah, you did tell me that before, about her wealthy parents and all. Right. I guess it was, uh, just a strange dream. Okay, Dad. My love to Mom and Madelyn. I gotta run. ...Yeah, I'll try to stop by."

"Alessandro, its just that...well, there's so much you don't know about me, that I don't know about me. I don't even know who the father of my baby is and you want to take on that job already. Its so soon and we don't even know what we're getting into. I could be the daughter of a mob boss for all we know with my amnesia. I want to be fair to you. I hope you can understand."

"But Andrea, don't you see, you are beautiful to me. Inside and out. I don't care how you got to be in my life, just that you are. I see you as the toned ab princess you are inside."

"Okay, Alessandro, you've convinced me. But I want to wait until I'm in wedding dress shape. No, it has to be now. I want your baby to be my baby. I want to be the father of your child, even if I'm not biologically. I want to be your family, for you to be my family, and that baby you're incubating too. Let's sneak down to the courthouse. If my sisters get wind of this, I have 9 siblings to invite who will all have to be in the wedding party and your side of the family is just you. It'd be an awful wedding. Let's just keep it you and I and the little one."
"Alessandro, you're a romantic, and practical too. Okay, tomorrow then. Let's sleep on it."

"You know," Amy said, "she really does have your eyes. Both of you have that same unusual shade of hazel and so does Giana. That is really strange."

"What's that, Andrea?"
"I, I don't know. I just had a memory. Do you know anyone named Jordy? Strange name. Don't know why it just came to me."
"My father's name is Jordy. Do you know him?"
"No. I...I must have heard you mention him before, I guess. Listen, Alessandro, you have to get off to practice with the guys after you take Ryder to the airport. I'll be fine, okay? I'll just put Giana down for a nap and by the time you get back we'll be all rested and cleaned up, okay?"
"Sure, Andrea. You sure you'll be okay by yourselves? You feel alright?"
"Yes, Alessandro. I'm fine. We're fine. Doctors all said so. Go on. I'll be right here."

"Jordy? This is...Andrea. ...I know you don't know me, or maybe you do. I am dating Alessandro, your son. ...Yes, that Andrea. Okay, I...I don't know how to say this, but to lay it all out so please be patient a moment. I have amnesia and have blacked out a portion of my life possibly spanning several years. I recently had a baby girl- ...yes, thank you. Anyhow, my daughter has these eyes, that remind me of 'Jordy' and its such an unusual name that Alessandro thought maybe you knew me. ...What? ...Blackmail? What are you talking about? ...No, I'm just trying to figure out my life here and I think you may have a piece to this puzzle. ...Tell your wife what? ...What's this all about?"

Jordy stated that the youngest boy, the fourth child, was definitely Mestral's. The timing worked out so that Jordy's kids were all a handful and he and Amy hadn't seen each other much for the better part of a year. Mestral was definitely the father of the two older and the youngest children. The third, no one could be sure. However, when Amy delivered, Mestral had to be with the older kids so Jordy accompanied Amy to the hospital. She delivered and was miserable. Blame it on postpartum depression maybe, but she stated quite factually that she wanted to leave the hospital and her life and her kids and her husband and be with Jordy or be alone.
Jordy wouldn't leave his wife and 10 kids, not for anything, even Amy, but he helped her leave. He snuck her out of the hospital and had a friend who worked in patient transportation get her out and switch her spot with a corpse of a female. It was fudged to look like she died in childbirth. Amy got out of there and continued to see Jordy. Jordy felt terrible especially when Sydney would call him, her Godfather, and cry about missing her mommy. But, he didn't feel so guilty as to stop seeing Amy. Plus, it was kind of his fault all this was happening. If only they'd broken it off years ago, it never would have gotten this far.

Amy developed a dissociative fugue. She blanked out who she was, where she came from, everything. She knew basic skills of living and could care for herself, but that was about it. She had no friends, no family, as far as she knew, aliens had dropped her on the planet moments ago. Not that she believed that, but for as much memory as she had, it could have been so.
Jordy hadn't known Amy was back in town. It was a fair sized town and not everyone runs into one another very often. It was purely coincidental that his daughter-in-law and Amy had Lamaze class together. Thus it was purely coincidental that Robin and Amy, now Andrea (she picked the name for herself off the name tag of a waitress in a diner she'd stopped at, seemed a nice enough name), became pals and that Robin introduced Andrea/Amy to Alessandro.
"So, wait a moment. Jordy, are you telling me that this baby, this Giana, is yours?"
"It would seem likely, Amy. I mean, I don't know what you did after you left, but the timing is right."
"Alessandro and I got married and were just about to announce it. Your daughter is also your granddaughter. Jordy, I'm married to your son!"

Oh, no…poor Ryder, his beautiful Persian rug from Persia was almost ruined! Thank goodness the cleaners were able to restore it. Phew!
Lets face it though, that is the least of anyone's worries this chapter.
It could make sense that Amy likes Alessandro enough to stay married to him, especially if he's a lot like his father. However, she has a family that needs her. I suppose it would be more probable to claim she's "gotten her memory back" (she could pretent not to remember anything since giving birth to her 4th child and now) and her place belongs with her daughters. Just a thought. Good luck with the next chapter!
I included the bit about the rug as I want Ryder to seem a bit shallow. I kind of want to villianize him. I want you to go "Sheesh, Ryder" a lot. Like when he's snooping by calling all around for information - for what? Can't he just enjoy his brother's happiness? No, he can't!
Although, I kind of sympathize with Ryder too. Here, he had this great arrangement and this great place and he comes home not only to a freeloader but then she ruins his stuff. So I don't want you to hate him, but I want to develop him a little bit as a kind of an egotistical, self-centered kind of a guy. Not that that's a bad thing, entirely. He has the right to love his rug more than his brother's girlfriend for now.
I'll consider your suggestion. I'd love more suggestions. I need to move them out and leave Ryder his house. That much is decided. The Aha house is the natural choice, but Perth is still living there and I don't want to displace her and I don't think Amy should just go moving back in with the life Perth's had. I don't think she'll go "Yay, Mommy's home!"
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